Welcome To Plathville Family Needs To Get Over Kim Plath Dating Ken Palmer

Welcome To Plathville season 5 has seen Kim Plath moving on with Ken Palmer. Her family doesn’t like her new relationship, but they need to accept it.
Welcome To Plathville season 5 has provided a look into Kim Plath’s new relationship with Ken Palmer, and though her family hasn’t been supportive of Kim’s connection, it seems like they need to get on board. Kim and her husband of over 20 years Barry Plath announced they’d be separating in mid-2022, and as they’ve navigated through their divorce, the way they’ve chosen to handle it has come under fire. While Kim hasn’t waited long, her decision to date wasn’t something her family handled well. Some tried to be supportive, but most of her children found it uncomfortable, even Ethan Plath, who’s been having relationship issues of his own.
According to Reddit user Maehopaq, Ethan is showing off his hypocritical side when it comes to Kim’s dating life. “Wait….Ethan just said that Kim (his mom) shouldn’t be dating when her divorce isn’t final yet BUT THEN gets caught lovin up on girls at a bar WHILE NOT DIVORCED (not on the show…seen on social media)?!?!” Ethan has been spotted with women in bars in recent months while his still legally married to Olivia Plath. During Welcome To Plathville season 5, Ethan shared that he didn’t feel his mother should be dating prior to her divorce from Barry being finalized.
Is Welcome To Plathville’s Ethan Plath A Hypocrite?
There’s a chance Ethan didn’t realize he’s made contradictory remarks, but he might not actually care about being a hypocrite. According to Maehopaq, “He said that dating while still married is wrong. Point blank period. And said that HE WOULDN’T move that way if he were in the same situation…kids or no he’s a hypocrite.” Another user, Maplesyrup16666666, said, “Like many things…the religious upbringing tells you one thing then whoa real life hits and it has nothing to do with those…ideals.” Ethan was raised in a strict religious household and held up stringent ideals for his mother that he didn’t understand until this point in his life.
Ethan feels that Kim shouldn’t be dating during her divorce process but doesn’t seem to hold himself to the same standard when it comes to dating during his own divorce proceedings. Ethan’s in the middle of a separation from Olivia and has been shown throughout Welcome To Plathville season 5 trying to focus on his relationships with his family. His opinions on Kim’s relationship matter, but when he’s trying to reinforce hypocritical notions and push her away from being independent while grasping at independence of his own, it looks bad. While Ethan may not mean to be hypocritical, he should take a step back and consider his position.
With Kim and Ethan going through similar situations in their lives, Welcome To Plathville season 5 has never been more of a must-watch reality TV moment. While the series hasn’t unveiled Ethan and Olivia’s separation yet, the show has been exploring Kim’s relationship with Ken and allowing her family to share their unfiltered thoughts on the connection. Ethan, who is speaking from a place of hypocrisy, may change his tune on Welcome To Plathville once he’s faced with the dissolution of his own marriage.