‘Sister Wives’ Robyn Brown Thinks She’s Owed Compensation?

Sister Wives star Robyn Brown wasn’t part of the polygamous Brown family when the series first began. In fact, she and Kody had barely begun courting when Season 1 kicked off. Kody, Meri, Janelle, and Christine all had decades of history together by the time Robyn entered the equation.
Because of the unique situation, Robyn never truly experienced polygamy in the same way the other three wives did. As fans reflect on the series and family history, some believe Robyn thinks she’s owed something.
What exactly could she possibly want?
Does Robyn Brown Feel Short-Changed?
As Sister Wives fans know, Robyn Brown is highly financially motivated. Many long-time fans believe she had dollar signs in her eyes when she met Kody Brown for the first time.
However, no amount of money will ever make up for lost time with Kody. Janelle, Christine, and Meri will always have decades of history with Kody she never had. Does she feel short-changed by the situation?

“Just had a thought on Robyn and Money,” a Sister Wives fan shared on Reddit recently. “So, I was just thinking on the dynamic of this family prebreak up and how Robyn seems almost genuinely so oblivious to the inequity when it comes to money. She has always taken more/been given more access but seems to believe it is what she is owed/the same as everyone else.”
“Do you think that in Robyn’s mind, everything with the money is fair because to be ‘equal’ she would need to have access to what the OG 3 had access to from the very start? So like in her mind, she would be owed and equal portion for 19 years worth of marriage from before the marriage even began?” the OP concluded.
Other Sister Wives Fans Add Their Thoughts To The Mix
The OP’s post garnered a mixed bag of reactions from other Sister Wives viewers. Some agreed that Robyn Brown behaves as if the world owes her something. A few pointed out that she often exaggerates her contributions to the family.

Comments included:
- “I believe her thoughts are: There wouldn’t have been a show without me therefore any income from TLC came from my ‘work.’”
- “She says she ‘always worked.’ She may have. What we could learn if we could see yearly income tax records. 😂”
- “She didn’t put in any work before she came along so why would she be entitled to her equal share before she joined the family? Also she did get more than she should because the family paid of her debt so she could get a house.”
- “I don’t think she is that deep. I think she grew up without access to nice things and decided to make up for lost time, and nobody else’s needs matter.”
What do you make of this discussion? Do you think Robyn Brown believes she never received equal time or resources? Be sure to add your own thoughts and ideas in the comments below.
Keep following online and check back soon for more information on the Season 19 tell-all, coming to TLC this spring.