Welcome To Plathville: Cheating Rumors Show That Ethan & Olivia Are Totally Incompatible

Welcome to Plathville’s Ethan and Olivia are hitting turbulence onscreen, and that underscores just how incompatible the two really are.
Welcome to Plathville celebs Olivia and Ethan Plath are dealing with cheating rumors and onscreen, in season 18, they’re having epic clashes that show just how incompatible they are. Ethan’s chastising Olivia for changing, although they’ve been together for years. Offscreen, Olivia’s sister Sophia Meggs claimed that the two are embroiled in a divorce. However, Olivia denied this. It’s possible that she doesn’t want all the facts about her relationship to come out. It’s been tough to watch the drama play out onscreen, as it was so easy to root for the couple. Torn apart by in-law issues and personality differences, their romance’s hanging by a thread.
Sister Wives season 18’s featured some shocking revelations so far. It’s all pretty sad, as the family’s really at war. Moriah Plath’s cut Olivia out of her life, and they used to be thicker than thieves. Olivia’s not speaking to Kim and Barry Plath, due to some dramatic arguments over credit cards and music royalties. Instead of leaning on each other for support, Ethan and Olivia are unraveling. They’ve often been a united front, but now, they’re at each other’s throats. They married very young, and it’s possible that they’re just not a good match.
Why Can’t They Just Get Along?
Fans who’ve followed along with the couple through the seasons probably know that Ethan and Olivia have a lot of trouble communicating and getting on the same page. While both are born under the sign of Taurus, they’re often very unalike. All of their respective quirks seem to lead to fights, rather than balancing them out. While Ethan and Olivia are opposites in so many ways, they’ve both tried very hard to stick it out. However, they may have reached the end of the line.
What brought them to this? How did their relationship hit rock bottom? The changes that are ruining their relationship have been going on for years. It’s a slow disintegration. Their bond started to erode when Kim and Barry began picking on Olivia. They criticized everything about her, from her risk-taking spirit to her religious values. Steeped in Fundamentalism, reality TV show stars Kim and Barry didn’t know how to accept people who were a bit different from them. Olivia didn’t fit their cookie-cutter mold, and she was cast out.
Olivia’s Too Demanding (Ethan’s Easygoing)
Olivia’s constantly pushing her husband to do stuff that he doesn’t want to do. She asked him to move out of Cairo, Georgia, and Ethan was fairly happy there. He had buddies to work on cars with, a nice house, and family close by. While he didn’t always gel with his parents (they’re like oil and water), Ethan formed strong bonds with his siblings.
He was very close to Lydia, who really looks up to him. He also loved spending time with Micah Plath, who’s now pursuing a modeling career in Hollywood. Micah hasn’t missed the mark when it comes to his career. He’s hit the target by getting signed by some prestigious agencies.
Ethan did cave in and move to Tampa with Olivia, and some part of him probably resented the relocation, which was all about Olivia. While Tampa’s pleasant enough, a move was a big change. He’s not really a big-city person. Ethan’s comfortable a smaller city or town, where he knows everyone and falls into the kind of routine that soothes him. In an urban center, he’s just not as comfortable. Olivia surely knows all this, but she asks him to change everything for her.
Ethan Doesn’t Understand His Wife
Olivia’s not that complicated, but Ethan doesn’t seem to know where his wife’s coming from. While both are warm people, Olivia’s got a more brittle quality. She’s fiery, and he’s more of a slow burn. Her temper flares easily, and she’s always ready to fight for her rights. Unfortunately, she’s a bit of diva. Ethan’s no match for her, as he’s naturally timid.
Olivia should know that she wants excitement, rather than a humdrum lifestyle. That’s pretty obvious, and so is the fact that she always expects him to defend her. He tries, but he’s not aggressive enough to really make her feel valued. He’ll fight her corner, but doesn’t stand up for himself as boldly as she does. When he does lose his temper, he looks wrecked afterward. It takes so much out of him, whereas Olivia seems energized by arguments. These differences are serious, and it doesn’t seem like the couple’s going to make it.
While Olivia will probably never regret not turning down Ethan’s proposal, she may want out. She wanted a break in the past, and that made Ethan so sad. Since Ethan was recently spotted with another woman (he held hands with a mystery brunette at a bar), it seems like Ethan and Olivia are done. After years of never being completely happy, they may have cut their losses.
Did Ethan Really Cheat On Olivia?
He might have, but he doesn’t seem like the type. There’s nothing shown onscreen so far that paints him as that of player. He’s more the loyal type. Ethan was very loyal to Olivia for years, He never wanted to break up. It was her who was pushing for a trial separation. When they had their break, he was despondent. So, it’s very out of character for him to step out on a relationship. It’s much more likely that Olivia and Ethan have thrown in the towel.
While nothing’s been formally announced, joint posts about them splitting up wouldn’t be surprising. While it’s possible that Ethan cheated, he might be looking for a new partner because his marriage failed. They have every right to keep this stuff private for as long as they to. How they navigate a split’s entirely up to them. At this point, them staying together would be the real shocker.
Welcome to Plathville season 5’s a wild ride filled with feuds galore. No one’s getting along. For ages, the family’s been imploding, just like the Browns on Sister Wives. This installment of WTP will change the Plath family forever. Bonds are fraying, and some relationships appear to be beyond repair. Can Ethan and Olivia get past their issues? Based on the cheating gossip, they may have taken another route.