Sister Wives: Kody & Family Dragged Through Mud as New Venue Heats Up?

Sister Wives star Kody Brown might want to forget some of his less-than-stellar actions in the past, but it looks like he’s now got a constant reminder for both on and off the TLC screen. It seems Kody, Robyn Brown, and his ex-wives are in for quite the ride. It looks like a trip down memory lane is about to blow up, and the fans seem to enjoy this.

Sister Wives: Kody Brown and 4 Wives Under Microscope

Through the seasons of this reality series, Kody Brown and the four women he once married weathered harsh criticism from the viewers. But now they are in for a new journey through the past that is much different, with someone closer to home putting them under the microscope.

Sister Wives | TLC

This includes pointing out how Kody uses Meri Brown as bait. Plus some insight about Kody’s ego, and how he grew it so large. Then, Robyn Brown came up. The description used for her starts with being more like the Sister Wives patriarch’s mistress. And yet, the kids get praise for making more sense than the adults.

After just a few posted videos, fans seem mesmerized by what this new venue reveals. That’s because the person offering up this info sugarcoats nothing.

Catching Uncle Kody Working the Polygamy Thing…

The Sister Wives viewers get to hear more about Kody and his ladies. But this time their actions and behaviors filter through the eyes of Ben Brown, Kody Brown’s nephew. This guy is new to the scene, as he never appeared on the TLC series.

Ben Brown is the son of Kody’s brother. And he is watching the Sister Wives series for the first time. After each episode, he compares his awful polygamy upbringing to some of the things he sees from Kody and his family. And he’s catching on today with the fans of the show.

Ben suggests that some of Kody’s behavior comes from the way polygamy is viewed in their religion. He spots behaviors from the Sister Wives women who grew up in a polygamous family as something they were taught from an early age.

Meri Brown believes jealousy in a plural family goes hand in hand, and Ben agrees 100 percent. But what he doesn’t agree with is Meri’s way of dealing with it. She worked through the emotion of jealousy when Kody spent a long honeymoon with Robyn Brown.

Ben gives a shout-out to his Aunt Meri. He explains emotions are there for a reason. Like jealousy, it tells you that something is not right in your relationship. But Meri, who grew up in a polygamy household, learned early on that the thing to do is stifle it and move on.

Sister Wives: Ben Brown Creeped Out

While watching Christine Brown on the screen, Ben heard Christine’s famous line that she knows what Kody is doing with Robyn on their honeymoon. She then says he better be doing that into the Sister Wives camera.

But while she is giving her semi-blessing for the two to do the deed, she shakes her head “no” the entire time. Ben points out that her body language offers her real feelings on the subject

But some stuff he watched on the Sister Wives screen creeped him out. He mentions how Kody referred to Meri as “bait”. That left a pit in his stomach to think that Meri helped gather prospective brides.

He also found himself creeped out while watching one of their young daughters run away from the adults who wanted to pull out her loose tooth.

He sees Robyn as nothing more than Kody’s mistress, who he was trying to integrate into his family. Ben watched as the wives were only told that Robyn was joining the family.

He thought they didn’t have a choice. He suggests that she was brought into the family without the discussions that first needed to happen.

Kody’s Son Fills-In…

Kody Brown’s nephew threw Kudos to his cousin, Logan Brown, who stepped into Kody’s shoes when his father wasn’t around. As Logan was the oldest, he ended up like many older kids in a polygamous family. They got stuck helping to raise their siblings because the father had too many kids to give them the attention needed.

He took up the slack for the father, who had too many kids to parent successfully. So, you see a young Logan getting his siblings breakfast, getting them dressed, and sending them off to school as mom Janelle Brown went to work.

Sister Wives | TLC/Instagram

Ben also saw right through Robyn’s tale of woe about not wanting to break any hearts by coming into the family.  Ben said he wanted to shake her to say, you are breaking hearts.

She could have left and not upset the women like she did. He points out that she had a choice. Instead, she stayed. On a side note, his picture is above, side-by-side with Kody, and fans comment on the uncanny resemblance.

So, Ben is ready for what the Sister Wives series rolls out next. He’ll be back with a new commentary about his Uncle Kody Brown and his family from the next episode he views of the TLC series.

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