90 Day Fiance TJ Takes the Coward’s Way Out

TJ Goswami is in the hot seat during the 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way Tell-All. He is asked to choose between taking his wife Kimberly Rochelle’s side over his family’s, namely his brother Yash Goswami. The reality star is very nervous with this line of questioning. He also knows that no matter his decision, TJ will have to face the wrath of someone he loves. So, he decides to take the coward’s way out.

TJ Goswami Refuses to Choose Between Kimberly Rochelle and His Family

TLC viewers know that this season of 90 Day Fiance has been tough for TJ Goswami. He is in the middle of a huge war between his family members and his new wife, Kimberly Rochelle. Each side feels TJ should support their side of things. It is easy to see that he looks uncomfortable and a little frightened by the decision.

Kimberly Rochelle makes her new husband nervous. According to his wife, TJ has failed her throughout their relationship. She hates the apartment he remodeled for her. She refuses to follow traditional Indian customs regarding her marriage and dealing with her husband’s family members.

The 90 Day Fiance couple disagrees over everything. However, now that they are married, Kimberly Rochelle expects TJ Goswami to back her every decision, regardless of whether he agrees with her or not. Now, it looks like more trouble is brewing after TJ refuses to choose between his wife and his family.

Kimberly Gives TJ The Death Stare

During Part 2 of the 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way Tell-All, host Shaun Robinson puts TJ in the hot seat and asks him to choose who it is he has decided to support. He tells her that he cannot take sides. TJ says if he takes Kimberly’s side, he loses his family; if he sides with his family, he loses Kimberly. It is a no-win situation for him.

TJ Goswami feels it is in his best interest to avoid these conflicts. The 90 Day Fiance cast members disagree. When TJ explains his choices, his wife Kimberly Rochelle gives him the death stare. It is easy to tell from the look on her face that she will not allow TJ to take the coward’s way out.


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This situation has the potential to become another explosive blowup between the spouses. It is wise for TJ Goswami to invest in earplugs in case his 90 Day Fiance‘s spouse, Kimberly Rochelle, needs to engage in another screaming fit.

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