Kody & Robyn Brown Crybabies Or Just Nasty People?

Kody and Robyn Brown are not to be trusted, TLC fans agree, and as the show seems to reveal more of them, Sister Wives fans feel their real personalities become obvious. That gets people questioning if they are narcissistic crybabies or ruthless, nasty people. Read on to find out their thoughts.
TLC Fans Think Kody & Robyn Brown Seem Transparently Nasty
When it comes to all the wives leaving except Robyn, there is a question of a division of assets. Bear in mind, that Janelle and Meri Brown financed a good portion of the Coyote Pass property and Robyn’s house. As far as viewers can see, Robyn put in nothing, but she wants everything the other wives have for herself.

Sister Wives viewers saw Kody and Janelle clash over her home and property. While she owns more units of Coyote Pass than Meri, he estranged husband won’t allow her to build on her land. However, he managed to find the money to finance new work in his favorite wife’s mansion.
Sister Wives Fans Hate That The TLC OGs Could Be Scammed
On Reddit, some people question whether Kody and Robyn Brown are just constantly whining crybabies, or whether they are downright evil. An OP seems to feel that they reveal their real personas in the squabbles about the Coyote Pass property.
Wow Robin and Kody never have been so obviously showing what they are about, as when the started to talk about dividing the property. Robin started deflecting and making jokes to distract Meri. And Kody didn’t even try to be honest in dividing. He just said immediately it’s MINE. I first thought Kody and Robin were just a bunch of narcissistic, (sic) dramatic, wining (sic) cry baby’s, but now I think they are ruthless (evil ?) when money gets involved. Janelle and Meri had a good outlook on it, I hope they will divide honestly.

This season, fans saw way too much about Kody and Robyn Brown that didn’t sit well with them. So, it seems that most people agree they are not trustworthy, but some people argue that they can be both crybabies and narcissists at the same time.
- They aren’t mutually exclusive. K&R can be whining crybabies AND evil simultaneously.
- They’ll never divide it equally unless taken to court and forced to.
- I really hope Janelle& Meri can bury the hatchet,& team up to hire a forensic accountant to go into everything with a fine-tooth comb.
- I’m thinking that since Meri is getting screwed, she’s going to recoup her financial losses with a tell-all book (though, I don’t really expect her to tell all…
- I really hope [Meri] demands her fair share of the CP property. I am sick of Robyn getting everything she wants. She gets 50% of his $ and assets if they divorce. These other women get nothing. UGH.
What are your thoughts about Kody and Robyn Brown these days? Do you believe that they are simply really nasty people? Or, are they narcissistic crybabies? Do they have any intentions of being fair with the Coyote Pass property? Let us know in the comments.