Here Are Meri Brown’s Worst Meltdowns on ‘Sister Wives’ Before Glam Body Transformation

From Tears to Triumph: Meri Brown’s Emotional Journey and Stunning Transformation

Meri Brown, popular for the reality TV show Sister Wives, has had her share of emotional upheavals over the years. Since the show’s debut in 2010, Meri has been open about her struggles, offering viewers an unfiltered look into her life. Despite the emotional hardships, Meri Brown has emerged stronger and more resilient. Her recent body transformation has garnered attention, with fans noting her healthier and happier appearance. Through her weight loss journey and new business ventures, Meri has embarked on a new journey.
1. Meri Brown Cried Because No One Prioritized Family Like Her

Meri wasn’t the first of Kody’s wives to leave the family, but she faced profound emotional pain as the family dynamic shifted. Kody’s third wife, Christine Brown, who struggled with jealousy and dissatisfaction in her marriage after Kody Brown married Robyn Brown, was the first to announce her departure. Robyn felt that Christine had abandoned the family, while Meri, fighting back tears, related it to how Kody had given up on their marriage. After she decided to separate from Kody, Meri revealed, “Robyn has been very, very clear with me and been like, ‘Please don’t leave. Please don’t leave me. Don’t leave me to do this alone,’ And I’m like, ‘What alone? Kody?’ He and I don’t have a relationship. Christine has left. I don’t know where him and Janelle stand. I’ll still be coming back to Flagstaff. It’s not like I’m moving away from there. I’m just gonna spend more concentrated time being able to work the businesses together at the B&B.”
2. Meri Sobbed After Being Catfished

As per People magazine, while Christine was the first to leave Kody, Meri was the first to leave emotionally. In season 9, she revealed she had been catfished. She said, “During an emotional and vulnerable time earlier this year, I began speaking with someone online who turned out to be not who they said they were. I never met this person and I regret being drawn into this situation, but I hope because of it I can help others who find themselves in similar circumstances.” Later on Kody shared, “The experience of Meri’s catfish makes me extremely angry. Cause she’s in full denial of what actually happened. (According to Meri) Everybody thought that I was leaving the family, and I was having an affair. And I wasn’t. She had an online affair, which she now denies because she was a victim.” However, Meri clarified, “I’m going to clarify something here, and this is what a lot of people really misunderstand, and that is the fact that a lot of people look at the catfishing as a defining moment of the demise of our marriage or even the family. And it’s really not, because there was a lot of things that were happening for years prior. [Looking] at that moment as the thing that broke the marriage is very inaccurate.”
3. Meri was Called “Manipulative” For Crying

As per Screenrant, Meri’s emotional vulnerability has not always been well-received. In a deleted Reddit thread titled “Meri crying all the time,” one fan wrote, “I think Meri is as manipulative if not more than Kody and Robin. I am currently halfway through season 10. I believe Meri initiated the divorce as some sort of attention grab or way to make herself feel relevant in the family during a time that she felt like she was losing ground (Leon had left and she is a self-proclaimed “empty nester”). This wasn’t some Robin/Kody manipulation tactic. It was Meri’s plan, gone wrong.” Another user added, “Every time she wants something but doesn’t get it, it’s time for some tears. It seems very manipulative.”
4. Meri was Devastated By Garrison’s Tragic Death

In the wake of her separation from Kody, Meri has focused on her health and well-being, embarking on a weight-loss journey and adopting a more active lifestyle. However, her world was rocked by the tragic death of Garrison Brown on March 5. Garrison, Kody’s son with his second wife, Janelle, had been like a son to Meri, making his loss particularly devastating. The tragedy profoundly affected Meri, and she has appeared noticeably thinner since Garrison’s passing, sparking speculation that she might be eating less while mourning. She posted a photo of Garrison and wrote, “Our family is deeply saddened to announce the loss of our beautiful boy, Robert Garrison Brown. He was a bright spot in the lives of all who knew him. This loss will leave such a big hole in our lives, and it takes our breath away. We ask that you please respect our privacy during this time and join us in honoring his memory. Garrison, you are loved and will be missed! 💙”