Fans Concerned For Moriah Plath’s Health In Recent Pic

Welcome to Plathville fans once cheered on Moriah Plath when she rebelled on the TLC show. However, many people now express their concern for her physical and mental health. She went out into the world and found a boyfriend who broke her up, and these days, she rues the day she met him. Will she be okay? Should she seek help?
Moriah Plath Seems To Be Too Thin & Unhappy
Like her siblings, the younger sister of Ethan led a very sheltered life on a farm in Georgia. In Season 1, she told the camera that she was a rebel, and her mom, Kim Plath had already recognized that. In fact, it was Olivia who encouraged her sister-in-law to venture out into the big wide world. However, the girl that TLC fans met seemed rather different from the young woman they see today.

Moriah Plath loved Max Kallschmidt. However, he came from a conservative Christian home and he hated that she wore skimpy clothing. While she was ready to strut her stuff and have fun, he became jealous, and they split. It is interesting to note that from his social media, he too might have temporarily dumped his family’s religious lifestyle. Some friends welcomed him back to the church fold when he announced his engagement.
Welcome To Plathville Fans See A New Pic, Concern Rises
A lot of critics slap at Barry’s daughter who opted to be baptised and return to her family. Mainly they don’t like her tattoos, her overly-done makeup, and her about-turn stabbing of Olivia. However, concern seems to override the fun of hate-watching her. A recent photo sans makeup revealed that she looked attractive, but thin and whistful.
On Reddit, some people discussed Moriah Plath’s dog. However, other TLC fans spoke about her mental health. The OP raised the subject of health.
As much as I dont like Moriah rn, im genuinely concerned about her physical health. She does NOT look healthy.
Welcome to Plathille viewers chimed in with their concerns:
- She has many problems. She seems really confused about where she fits in her family, much less the world at large. I hope she’s getting counseling. She took the breakup with Max very hard…
- Tbh I know someone with severe body dysmorphia and…they’re also doing the tattooing at a rapid pace. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with a ton of tattoos…but it’s not meant to be a replacement for therapy and actual treatment of these things…
- It’s very common for people who grow up in heavily controlled environments where they have little, if any say, in what they do, to turn to eating disorders as a form of feeling as though they’re taking control over something in their lives….It’s very sad but not at all surprising given her upbringing if Moriah is struggling with an eating disorder.
Do you think that Moriah Jasper Plath needs help with her physical and mental health? Some people try home-diagnosis for her, which is not ideal. However, the concern does seem to be genuine.