‘Sister Wives’ Does Breanna Brown Have Asperger’s Like Dayton?

Sister Wives fans have seen Robyn Brown’s son, Dayton Brown, grow up on the reality TV show. The idea that he is on the autistic spectrum is a very common discussion. But some fans are wondering if Robyn’s daughter, Breanna Brown has Asperger’s syndrome like her brother, Dayton.

Fans See Similarities Between Dayton And His Sister

Many Sister Wives fans have heard that Robyn Brown’s son, Dayton Brown, is on the autistic spectrum. Some people believe he specifically is high functioning leaning toward the highly debated diagnosis of Asperger’s syndrome. The controversial diagnosis, according to the National Autistic Society is as follows, “Asperger syndrome was used as a diagnostic term for some autistic people who did not also have a diagnosis of a learning disability.” Since more information has been learned on autism, this diagnosis isn’t usually assigned. However, fans wonder if Dayton’s sister, Breanna Brown is also on the spectrum after seeing similarities.

Sister Wives Dayton Brown Instagram
Dayton Brown – Instagram

Does Breanna Brown Have Asperger’s Like Dayton?

On Reddit, several Sister Wives fans discuss how they have noticed similarities between Dayton and Breanna Brown’s mannerisms. While they are siblings, some fans see speech patterns and visual cues that make them believe there may be more to Breanna’s struggles than meets the eye. One user started the conversation by asking if Breanna has Asperger’s like her brother. Many people have observed she shies away from the camera, makes pronounced facial expressions, and doesn’t easily interact with others.

Kody Brown shows Breanna Brown how to chop wood. - Sister Wives
Kody Brown shows Breanna Brown how to chop wood. – Sister Wives

Some Common Struggles For Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Align

Some of the symptoms associated with the former diagnosis of Asperger’s are “difficulty with social interactions, speech, and coordination.” After watching Breanna Brown, some fans think she should talk with someone about the possibility of having ASD. Furthermore, autism can be accompanied by sensitivity to light and sound. Additionally, many people experience high anxiety. But it can also be a superpower that allows people to be intuitive and pick up on patterns easily. Sadly, the system can be overwhelmed and cause someone battling with stressors to shut down or panic. Some fans know that Breanna’s sister, Aurora, has experienced crippling panic attacks even on camera.

The National Society Of Autism breaks down some categories which can affect individuals with ASD. - https://www.autism.org.uk/
The National Society Of Autism breaks down some categories that can affect individuals with ASD. – https://www.autism.org.uk/

While some fans think Breanna Brown was outgoing and didn’t display symptoms early on, others remember her crying frequently.

One Redditor points out some things seem to be behaviors Breanna Brown has learned. - Reddit
One Redditor points out some things seem to be behaviors Breanna Brown has learned. – Reddit
  • Someone adds, “Oh, that’s right! She did cry a lot. My brother used to call me a crybaby as a child and my parents called it over sensitive. Turns out I’m autistic. lol.”
  • Other people point out that some of the skittish interactions are because Kody Brown is unpredictable and difficult to live with. But another person adds, “According to Grody, Dayton is JUST QUIRKY!!” Also, another person echoes, “…and Truely had a ‘touch of flu’ and Ysabel’s scoliosis just needed ‘more exercises.’”

Some Fans Think Learning More Will Open Doors For Breanna Brown

Although having a diagnosis can be scary for many people, several Redditors acknowledged that their diagnoses brought them relief. Since many of Robyn Brown’s kids suffer from sensitivities, seemingly it might benefit Breanna Brown to explore resources for the disorder. Notably, many people think that Aurora and Breanna are finding the outside world challenging, but perhaps there are factors aside from their raising contributing to the struggles. According to the UC Davis MIND Institute, “Siblings of autistic children have a 20% chance of being autistic themselves — about seven times higher than the rate in infants with no autistic siblings.”

  • One fan says, “I was always JUST QUIRKY! Then at 36, I got diagnosed with ADHD & my life suddenly made much more sense LOL.”
Some Redditors point out there can be relief in knowing about neurodivergence. - Reddit
Some Redditors point out there can be relief in knowing about neurodivergence. – Reddit
  • “Totally get you there. You go from feeling like you are constantly missing something to feeling like those puzzle pieces finally fit. It’s so strange!”

What do you think? Does Breanna Brown exhibit signs that she should consult a professional about autism or neurodivergence? Have you known anyone who found freedom from understanding a diagnosis like autism? Are you ready to see more episodes of Sister Wives? Drop your comments below.

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