‘Sister Wives’ David Makes Kody Brown Save Final Last Curls

Is Sister Wives star, Kody Brown saving his final curls due to his ex-wife, Christine Brown Woolley’s new husband, David Woolley? Christine was adamant that her next man after Kody would have tattoos, ride a motorcycle, and be bald. These are traits that David possesses and she loves. Yet, what does David have to do with Kody’s hair? Keep reading for further details.

David Makes Kody Brown Save Final Last Curls?

When Christine Brown Woolley told Kody Brown she was leaving him, she was also leaving Flagstaff. She shared that she and their youngest daughter, Truely were headed to Utah. This was a huge deal and Kody tried to sway them not to go there. He claimed that the men in Utah would be so against polygamy that the moment they learned who Christine was and her past, they would use and abuse her. She did not care and took her chances being very clear as to what she wanted. The man she was looking for was the complete opposite of Kody as she wanted a man who rode a motorcycle, had tattoos, and was bald.

David Woolley, Christine Brown-Instagram
David Woolley, Christine Brown-Instagram

Kody is known to hold on to the hair he has left. Recently, David and Christine did an interview where he was asked what advice he would give to Kody. He shared he would tell him to “get rid of the hair.” However, Sister Wives fans do not think that Kody could go for a drastic shave at this point, and for good reason. If he were to alter his appearance like that, they believe he would get compared to David. A Reddit thread was started to share why Kody will keep his curls.

The OP made a list and started with Kody Brown being compared to David Woolley. They then added Kody could no longer have the ponytail option which Janelle Brown loved. Then, there’s Roby Brown and how she taught him how to do the perfect curls:

  • All of the hair product, blow dryers, and hair nets… WAY-STED!!!

Finally, what would Kody do with all of his free time if he was not doing his hair?

Can’t Be Like David

Sister Wives fans immediately felt that Kody Brown could never shave his head now solely because of David Woolley. Even if it was the best option, he has to differentiate himself from the new husband:

  • I was genuinely just thinking that likely David being bald has almost encouraged him to keep the few noodles he does have so he can “have what David doesn’t”
  • I don’t think grody could grow a beard as thick or long as David’s and that would be the only hair he’d have left to compete with, too!
  • I think Robyn just likes the 6 hours of alone time while he plays with his hair. She keeps adding steps to the method so he’s busy longer.

At this point, Kody is losing hair by the season and may just have to accept his fate or get plugs as one Redditor mentioned. Yet, it does not seem he will be buzzing anytime soon.

Do you think David is the reason Kody is holding onto his hair or is there more to it? Let us know and watch Sister Wives Sundays on TLC.

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