’90 Day Fiance’ Jenny Slatten Upsets Fans, Begging For Money

90 Day Fiance star Jenny Slatten recently posted that she was heartbroken and shared that her daughter’s dog was not doing well. At the time, she said “Please pray for this beautiful doggy Dixie Lou 🐾🙏🏻💔 she’s having serious health concerns right now and she is going to have to fight for her life 💔
PRAYERS ARE NEEDED FOR MISS Dixie Lou She’s my daughter Christina’s doggy but I love her too! 🐾❤️💔💔💔🐾.”
How Did Jenny Slatten Upset Fans?
Now Jenny has upset fans with a new post about the dog, but this time begging for money. Jenny Slatten upset fans so much that she took it down and is now apologizing. In her new post, she said, “I took down my post Sorry to ask for your help. Thank u anyway.” The original post, she posted a link to a GoFundMe asking for money for her daughter’s dog. They have already received almost $1,300 to help. They are trying to raise $5,000.

Fans Share Their Thoughts
The fans of 90 Day Fiance and Jenny Slatten went to her page to comment and they are not happy. Here is what some of them had to say:
- You shouldn’t ever have to apologize for anything you post. Sorry so many negative people in this world.
- I didn’t see the original post. I’m just reading what happened. There’s nothing wrong with asking for help. No one is obligated to help so don’t feel bad for asking for it.
- Jenny I use the care credit card for my pets have them apply for one
- Jenny why don’t TLc pay you more, your are such a great asset to the series, you always showed respect, and there was nothing gaje about your relationship, it was so sweet what Sumit done for you when he’s family denied you, you are a great couple and TLC need to recognise this, we need to see more of you and Sumit
- I saw the post with the Go-Fund-Me for her daughter’s dog. I didn’t comment on it but me personally I don’t like it when people beg for money…

Are you shocked that Jenny Slatten was begging for money on her page? Do you think she should have taken down her post? Sound off in the comments below on your thoughts.