90 Day Fiancé: Rob Warne’s CRIMINAL HISTORY REVEALED Amid Abuse Accusations Made By Sophie Sierra

The criminal record of 90 Day: The Last Resort Rob Warne has just been resurfaced amid the abuse accusations by Sophie Sierra. Rob married Sophie on 90 Day Fiancé after she moved from London, England to be with him. However, Rob did not have a great living space for Sophie and barely made any space for her. There wasn’t even a bathroom in his home! This would be excused by Rob accusing Sophie of being spoiled and ungrateful. Spats like these showed how Rob could never take responsibility for his actions even when he eventually cheated on her.
On The Last Resort , Rob and Sophie have had their ups and downs, but something clearly wasn’t right. Rob would go from being charismatic and likable with his co-stars, to absolutely explosive towards Sophie whenever presented with blame. Just recently, Sophie presented video and photo evidence of Rob being incredibly threatening and abusive to her. This included more allegations of Rob cheating on her once again during the show. While Rob denies this, his past violent criminal record only adds more to Sophie’s accusations.
Rob’s Criminal Record
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After Sophie Sierra’s abuse accusations went viral, 90 Day Fiancé blogger @90dayfiance_alexa reposted news about Rob Warne’s criminal record. Provided by InTouch , Rob Warne was revealed to have had an aggravated assault charge. He was charged and arrested at the age of 17 with another count of obstruction and impeding lawful activities. “The charges were related to a separate incident involving an air gun, air rifle, bow and arrow and slingshot, according to the legal docs.”
In the caption that the blogger posted, they state that Rob’s past charge connects to Sophie’s abuse accusations. “In the interest of the recent abuse allegations by Sophie, I thought it was important to show you some facts. Rob is capable of being violent.” The majority of the comments believe Sophie when it comes to the accusations. However, others think that the charge happened far too long ago to be relevant.
What Rob’s Past Criminal Charges Mean For Him and Sophie
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No matter how old Rob’s criminal charge was, it’s still important to note that it was from a violent crime. Sophie has shown physical evidence of his violent behavior on video. Even on the show itself, Rob has been seen to be very explosive with his anger and emotions in general. The charges may have happened when he was younger, but they nonetheless connect to the behavior that he is expressing now.
As for Sophie, she posted on Valentine’s Day recently about going on a date! She posted photos of some flowers, gifts, and finally a photo of her on a dinner date. She looks to be with another man while at a fancy steakhouse dinner. However, there is no sign of who the mystery man may be. Fans hope for Sophie’s safety that her date isn’t Rob. Considering all that has been revealed though, this is thankfully unlikely.