Moriah Plath Is Done Running, Finally Finds Peace

Moriah Plath never seemed happy with her life and right from the start of the TLC show, she wanted to run from her life, but she’s done with running and now, claims she found peace. Originally, it was her sister-in-law, Olivia who guided her into the real world, but nowadays, she hardly seems grateful about that. In Season 5 of Welcome to Plathville, she dumped Ethan and had little good to say about his wife.
Moriah Plath The Running Rebel On Welcome To Plathville
Ethan and Olivia helped his younger sister when she moved away from the farm in Cairo, Georgia. Eager to get away from things like prayer closets and a dearth of sodas, she went off and found herself a boyfriend who rode a motorcycle. Oh, the horror! Her mom and Dad, Kim and Barry weren’t all that happy. But for a while, their daughter was living her wildest life with Max Kallschmidt. Of course, when he cheated on her, it was all his fault, despite her flaunting skimpy short pants and hitting on other guys.

Moriah Plath seemed devastated when she and Max split. Happiness came to an end in Tampa where she and Ethan lived with Olivia and Nathan Meggs. Soon, she started posting photos of herself looking wraithlike and sad. Almost Gothic in appearance, she sounded lost. She went off and got an amazing tattoo that said the word “Rebel.” However, that didn’t make her any happier. So, she went back to her mom and dad. Whereupon, she dissed Olivia, presumably, before she found Jesus again.
Moriah Plath Finds Jesus And Peace
Spoilers for the show revealed that the Welcome to Plathville star asked her dad to baptize her. Adult baptism isn’t uncommon in some Christian churches. They believe that even if a child is raised in the faith, they won’t make it to heaven until they spiritually die to their sins and accept the Lord as their personal savior. If you don’t know, the disciple, John baptized Jesus and the spirit of God came down. Afterward, God was thrilled, saying he was “well pleased.”

Moriah Plath and her dad did the ritual and the dog looked happy. In her very long Instagram post about it, the TLC star talked about leaving her problems behind:
After years of chasing freedom in all the places that left me more empty and depressed then ever, I accepted Jesus as my savior and gave my life to him. I still have my struggles, but I don’t face them alone anymore. I’m not perfect, I’ve carried the weight of every wrong I’ve done until I decided to leave it at the cross realizing God knew I wasn’t perfect and that’s why he sent his son to die for us!”
TLC Fans Commented On The Video And The Caption
Some fans suggested that she should get some therapeutic counseling. Meanwhile, others applauded her decision. A follower wrote, “This gives so much hope to so many! Praise the Lord for His goodness. What a wonderful dad you have who has shown you the love of your Heavenly Father.”

Conversely, another follower wrote, “Oh honey. Didn’t you just escape this?” Certainly, she did, but she didn’t find peace and happiness when she ran from her faith. Maybe this will really work for her. After all, everyone has different needs that impact on their lives.
Do you hope that Moriah Plath will find peace now? Or, do you think that all she did was circle back to the same place where she started? Many people describe Barry and Kim’s faith as a cult, so are you sad that she might never break free? Or, are you rejoicing with the Angels and singing “Amazing Grace?”