‘Sister Wives’ Star Kody Brown Shows Off His Haircare Routine and Admits It’s ‘a Lot of Work’

On the latest episode of Sister Wives, Kody Brown lifted the veil– or in this case, hairnet– on what it takes to achieve the curly locks look he’s been rocking in recent seasons of the TLC series, insisting to viewers that the process is “a little cheesy, but it works.”
As fans of ‘Sister Wives’ know, Kody’s hair has taken on many forms since making its TV debut in 2010, though his current corkscrew coif– which he once claimed to have mastered with the help of his only remaining wife, Robyn Brown– appears to be sticking around for good. (Or at least longer than his first three wives, anyway.)

On Sunday’s episode of ‘Sister Wives,’ fans got an unsolicited tutorial from the frizzy-haired father of 18 on what it takes to achieve his look when Kody showed up to meet his brothers, Scott and Michael, for a “man trip” to Las Vegas.
Prior to Kody’s arrival, Scott joked that Kody was late to the brotherly outing because he was “probably doing his hair,” and to the surprise of absolutely no one, that was exactly the case. Moments later, Kody arrives rocking a hairnet, much to the amusement of his two (bald) brothers.
“Everybody always wants to give me crap about my hair, but I have to do a lot of work to take care of this hair,” he explains, before going on to yank off his hairnet and unleash his thinning, yet tightly curled, locks.
While flipping his head upside down and getting his scrunch on, Kody tells viewers that if he doesn’t dry his tendrils just right, “the curls don’t happen.”

“ … I need it to be pretty and then the hairnet helps the curls,” Kody says. “You know, if I don’t want to spend the entire time blow-drying. It’s a little cheesy, but it works.”
Kody also reveals that because his hair is graying, he dyes it to maintain his natural blond color, admitting that his mop-like mane requires “a lot of work.”
During the episode, Kody’s brother Scott shares with viewers that haircare has always been a priority for Kody.
“Even when he was a pre-teenager, his hair has always been important to him,” Scott says, to which Kody replies, “Don’t be jealous, it’s a lot of work.”

“We’re not,” Kody’s brothers insist.
Check out Kody’s curly haircare routine below.
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