Chantel & Pedro Split Assets After Dramatic The Family Chantel Divorce (Stolen Money Settled)

  •  Chantel and Pedro’s finances were a major point of contention in their marriage, and in the season 5 premiere, their divided finances were finally revealed.
  •  Chantel moved $265K out of their joint account because she felt Pedro was using it without her permission, while Pedro accused her of spending $60K without his consent.
  •  Chantel and Pedro purchased a house together, but now that they are divorcing, they are in disagreement over how to split the proceeds of the sale, with Chantel demanding half and Pedro offering 25%.

Chantel Everett and Pedro Jimeno aired the jaw-dropping end of their marriage during The Family Chantel season 4, and now Chantel has revealed what happened to their money during the premiere of season 5. As fans of the chaotic 90 Day Fiancé franchise couple are aware, Chantel and Pedro fought over finances when their marriage fell apart last season. Fortunately, The Family Chantel season 5 premiere cleared up the divided finances for fans who have been left wondering for over a year how the couple dealt with their finances.

Chantel is now 32 and divorced during The Family Chantel season 5. Nine months have gone by since the Atlanta native’s estranged husband of seven years asked for a divorce. The nurse is still processing the news as she questions if Pedro was unfaithful. While the Dominican Republic native was heavily rumored to have cheated on Chantel, he denied the allegations in the season premiere. However, Pedro is still angry toward Chantel for clearing out their joint bank account at the end of season 4 after she alleged that he was spending their money behind her back.

What Happened With Pedro & Chantel’s Stolen Money?

The Family Chantel season 5 picked up at one crucial plot point. What happened to the 265K that Chantel moved out of her joint account with Pedro? Chantel maintains that she moved the money because Pedro was using it without her permission. She said she spent money on the divorce and house bills before giving the rest to the court to be evenly divided with Pedro. However, an angry Pedro accused his ex-wife of spending $60K without his consent. Chantel denies his accusations and agreed to split the remaining funds evenly.

What Happened With Chantel & Pedro’s Home?

pedro chantel montage red background serious expressions the family chantel

Pedro and Chantel had just purchased a home during The Family Chantel season 4, while Chantel and her younger sister Winter Everett were living in it at the end of the season when Pedro chose to move out. Though Chantel is still living with her little sister, she agreed to sell the house. Pedro wanted to give her 25% of the sale of the house, though the nurse demanded half. Chantel said that everything in the home also belongs to her. Meanwhile, she refused to allow Pedro and his shady real estate company to list the house as she instead selected a neutral party to broker the deal.

Things appear just as tense as ever for Chantel and Pedro during The Family Chantel season 5. While Chantel is excited to sell her last tie linking her to Pedro, she also expressed mixed feelings about her ex. Meanwhile, Chantel’s enraged family shared that they think she deserves more than 50% of the house and financial split. There’s likely to be more family drama between Chantel and Pedro, as tensions are high and Chantel and Pedro have to come together to sell their home.

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