Sister Wives’ Garrison and Gwendlyn Suggest Robyn Is ‘Mad’ She Can No Longer Be the ‘Victim’ in Family Drama

“You know what Robyn? Have him. Because we don’t care anymore,” Garrison says on the show
Relationships are getting more fraught on this season of Sister Wives.
On Sunday’s episode, Janelle Brown, 54, and Christine Brown, 51, sit down with their kids to discuss the tensions between their side of the family and Robyn Brown, who is currently Kody Brown’s only wife. Both Janelle and Christine have left their marriages with Kody, 54.
“Okay, can I just ask, because I feel like I was kind of out of the loop when I was leaving Dad and moving and everything like that. What did happen with you guys and Robyn, and you guys and Dad?” Christine asks.
The kids begin explaining that they were planning on doing a Secret Santa gift exchange, but Robyn suggested the family do it over Zoom so they could all see each other.
“For the last 20 years, we’ve had a gift exchange where we draw names and we pick a gift for another sibling for the name we drew,” Garrison, 25, says.
Gwendlyn, 21, explains that the family thought Zoom didn’t have a personal feel to it, so people began throwing out different ideas, such as a competition. “And then Robyn made it all about herself,” she says. “She would mention something about trauma, how there’s a bunch of past trauma. Which by the way, where’s the trauma coming from? Because Dad prefers them. We can all agree on this, right?”
The episode then cuts to a confessional with Robyn, who shares her side of the story.
“From my perspective, Kody did not choose us,” Robyn says. “My kids and I wanted to be a part of this family and wanted to be accepted and loved by everyone. When we were blending families years ago, there was a lot of trouble. I didn’t feel like I had a lot of support from the other parents to do this blending.”
“And there was a lot of things that happened that were hard. But that started to kind of go away after ten years or so of it. But then when COVID hit, all of a sudden my kids and I were excluded again. And all of a sudden we weren’t part of their group.”
The scene then shifts back to the table, where Gwendlyn explains her frustration.
“She was like texting us, they were complaining about trauma and like how we don’t respect her as a mother,” she tells her family. “And all of this weird stuff. Because I’ve always considered them my siblings and I still do. And I still consider her a mom.”
“I see it getting worse, progressively,” Gwendlyn says when asked if she sees the situation getting better. She explains that Robyn told them they weren’t going to do Christmas with the family if they weren’t getting the respect they wanted.
“Robyn turned it into us trying to ostracize her and played the victim,” Garrison reveals. “And we said no, this is about us trying to figure out how we can do this and adjust to your new Christmas rules so we can all do this Christmas exchange because we’ve been doing it for 20 years.”
“She took that, whatever process she does, and made her the victim by doing that,” he asserts.
“You guys didn’t mean it that way,” Christine says.
“She was gaslighting everyone into treating her with special treatment,” Gabe, 22, says.
“Literally. Because the past eight years, she’s made herself the victim because she was the last wife. You never made yourself the victim,” Gwendlyn says to Christine.
“She is the catalyst of all this,” Garrison says.
“What do you mean by catalyst of all this?” Christine asks.
“Of using COVID to make Dad exclusive and then turning herself into the victim and saying that it’s our fault,” Garrison says.
“And Dad also chose to spend Christmas with her instead of the rest of us,” Gwendolyn says.
Once Christine and Janelle had been separated from their marriages to Kody, Garrison says that Robyn “no longer can be the victim because she no longer can feel us attacking her because we just gave up, we didn’t care about her anymore.”
“Robyn’s mad that she can’t have this effect on our lives anymore because we just don’t care anymore,” he continues. “And I”m not speaking on behalf of the siblings but this is what I think all the siblings think. That this is us going, ‘You know what Robyn? Have him. Because we don’t care anymore. We’re all grown adults that don’t need a father figure anymore.'”