8 Ways The Plath Family Orchestrated Ethan & Olivia’s Divorce (They Wanted Ethan Back)

Welcome To Plathville’s Ethan Plath and Olivia Plath are getting divorced but Plath family is happy after they pushed Olivia away from their son.

Welcome To Plathville season 5 has shown the journey between Ethan Plath and Olivia Plath, which viewers now know will end in divorce, much to the Plath family’s delight after they pushed their eldest son away from his wife. Ethan and Olivia married in 2018 at just 20 years old and were idealistic throughout their relationship. The couple chose to get married long before they were ready but did their best to combat the issues they found themselves coming up against. Ethan and Olivia’s relationship faced some difficulties, but it wasn’t until Welcome To Plathville season 5 that their disconnect seemed like it could end things.

Throughout the most recent season of Welcome To Plathville, Ethan and Olivia’s marriage has been tested in ways viewers have seen on screen and perceived from the moments that aren’t shown. The couple has been dealing with problems for years, but more recently, Ethan and Olivia haven’t been able to compromise on their issues. With Welcome To Plathville truly showing the couple at their most vulnerable, seeing their demise has been difficult for some viewers. As Ethan’s marriage has become more turbulent, his family has been doing everything possible to ensure their son’s marriage to Olivia ends.

8Kim Plath Fought With Olivia Over Ethan’s Independence

Olivia And Kim Have Clashed

Welcome To Plathville_ Kim Plath Ruined Olivia & Ethan's Marriage (8 Of Her Dirtiest Deeds Ranked)

Although Kim and Olivia’s relationship hasn’t always been fraught, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have had some significant issues in the last few years. While Ethan and Olivia’s relationship isn’t about Kim or her feelings surrounding the couple, their marriage has been riddled with moments showing Kim’s questionable feelings about her son’s wife. Kim once treated Olivia like her own daughter, but Olivia couldn’t stand idly by regarding how Kim had treated her kids in the past. Especially after grasping the depth of irresponsible behavior Kim has shown as Ethan’s mother, Olivia has chosen to stand up for her partner to his parents.

Early in Olivia and Ethan’s marriage, they discussed finances when it was revealed that Kim had Ethan’s credit card. Ethan explained that he was okay with Kim making purchases on the card, but she rarely reimbursed him for the money she spent, which was bothersome to him. Upon further exploration, Olivia realized that Kim was not only spending on Ethan’s card but also benefiting from the perks and rewards from the cart. Olivia drew up an invoice to give to Kim, which caused a rift in their relationship. Despite Kim’s pushback, Olivia didn’t stop until Ethan’s parents repaid him, and the damage to her relationship with Kim was irreparable moving forward.

7Moriah Plath Ghosted Olivia & Ethan After A Fight

Olivia And Moriah’s Bond Crumbled

Early in their relationship, Moriah Plath was the family’s only steadfast supporter of Ethan and Olivia. While the Plaths wanted to see Ethan happy, many weren’t excited to have Olivia join their family. Moriah, on the other hand, bonded with Olivia while her brother was dating his future wife. Olivia and Moriah’s relationship was incredibly close, with Moriah even feeling comfortable enough to move in with Ethan and Olivia at one point. While the women had a tight-knit bond, it didn’t take much for Moriah to be swayed against Olivia after she started having problems with Kim.

Although Moriah was once a fan of Olivia, things started to change when Kim decided she was no longer interested in associating with her daughter-in-law. Kim’s opinion of Olivia seemed to impact Moriah’s view of her, as well, and everything Olivia did was re-examined. When, after helping Moriah with the photography for her budding music career, Olivia released the music online for Moriah differently than expected, Moriah wasn’t happy. The pair clashed over how to handle the situation, and while Ethan and Olivia were away, Moriah chose to leave their home without telling them and block their numbers so they couldn’t contact her.

6Micah Plath Refused To Clear The Air With Olivia

Olivia Tried To Extend An Olive Branch

In a recent episode of Welcome To Plathville season 5, Olivia invited her brother-in-law, Micah Plath, to sit down for a chat to clear the air between the two of them. While Micah and Olivia haven’t always gotten along, they haven’t had any considerable drama. Micah was traveling with his brother to bring a vehicle to Ethan’s home state of Minnesota and was conflicted about what he should do. While he considered chatting with Olivia, he ultimately decided he didn’t care enough about his one-on-one relationship with his sister-in-law to try and patch anything up. Micah declined the invitation, instead explaining they should see each other casually.

5The Plath Family Publicly Disowned Olivia

Olivia’s In-Laws Took To Instagram

In a post made by the Plath family and shared on Instagram, each of Ethan’s siblings came out against Olivia. The social media post was co-signed by several of Ethan’s siblings and condemned Olivia for the accusations she’d made against Kim in the past. After the credit card incident, Olivia was vocal that she wasn’t happy with Kim as a mother, which upset the rest of her children. While Olivia wasn’t entirely wrong in her analysis of Kim, she also had no support from her husband or the Plath family. Instead of considering her point of view, the Plath siblings posted together to disown Olivia.

4Lydia Plath Has Said Olivia Is A Bad Person

Olivia Has Been Dragged By The Plaths

Welcome to Plathville_ 8 Ways Lydia Plath's A Villain (Is She Just Like Kim_)

Although she’s not heavily featured on Welcome To Plathville, one of the younger Plath siblings, Lydia Plath, has spoken out against Olivia in the past. Lydia has been more involved with Welcome To Plathville in recent seasons as she’s been getting older and having more of her point of view. Though she’s still under her parents’ thumbs more than Moriah or Micah, Lydia has her own takes on her family, including her sister-in-law. In the past, Lydia has said she believes that Olivia is a bad person for how she’s spoken about Kim, and she’s not happy that she takes on less traditional roles than a stereotypical wife.

3Barry Plath Enabled Kim’s Feud With Olivia

Kim’s Ex Supported Her Hate For Olivia

Welcome To Plathville - Kim & Barry Plath montage serious expressions gray background

Kim and Barry have been going through a divorce of their own, but Barry’s relationship with Olivia hasn’t necessarily been a fond one for either party. Although Ethan has never been tremendously close to his father, the pair have been connected in the past few years as Ethan has been getting older. In trying to have a relationship with his son, Barry has had issues with how Olivia behaves, but more noticeably, has been pushing Kim to continue her feud with Olivia for quite some time. Barry has never tried to stop Kim in how she treats Olivia and has never advocated for his daughter-in-law, despite knowing Kim can be a harsh critic.

2Moriah & Micah Trashed Olivia To Ethan

Ethan’s Siblings Hate Olivia

Ethan’s two closest siblings, Micah and Moriah, have always been available for him to lean on in their adult years. While the pair have always been close to each other, their relationships with Ethan have changed in nature as they grew up and tried to be there for their brother. Micah and Moriah have had different views on Olivia in the past, but after both decided they were no longer interested in maintaining relationships with her, they felt comfortable speaking ill of her in front of him. Both have trashed Olivia’s character in front of Ethan, not caring if doing so could push him to get defensive.

1The Plaths Made It Impossible For Olivia To Be Accepted

Olivia Tried To Fit In

Welcome To Plathville's Olivia & Ethan Plath

The Plaths have done everything they can to ensure that Olivia has no place in their family. While they’ve never outright told Ethan to divorce his wife, they’ve publicly condemned Olivia on social media, and their actions on Welcome To Plathville have been telling regarding their feelings for their daughter-in-law. For Olivia, the Plaths’ unwelcoming nature was surprising after her relationship with Ethan had been going so well early on. After some slights that the family feels are unforgivable, it’s clear the family wants nothing to do with Ethan’s eventual ex-wife.

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